Hihi everybody!
It's been a long time hasn't it?
I'm really sorry.
9 mounts ago, I was accepted into a privet boarding school. It's been a wild ride of ifs ands and buts but it's makeing me stronger. As much as I hate it sometimes, I know it's helping me reach my goals.
For a long time, I wasn't coming home at all, which meant no wifi! *shudders*
I've been coming home for a little while now, but have been to overwelmed by school and not school stuff that I just haven't been blogging. I missed it horribly, but I just couldn't.
I hope I am in a place to start blogging again, but please understand if I'm not that consistent, I have a lot on my plate.
I've missed you all so much! I hope to be blogging more now!